We are pleased to announce the launch of our new EMR Delivery Body website. To access the new site please click on the Delivery Body Home tab. For CfD Portal Login please click the Contracts for Difference tab.



​​​​​Electricity Market ​​​​​Reform

Capacity Market

​We've moved!​

To access our new website please ​click here.


​In response to your feedback and as ​part of our transition to becoming the National Energy System Operator (NESO), we are excited to announce that all the information you need is now available on our new and improved website.​

The move to the new website has provided us with an excellent opportunity to offer a more modern, user-friendly experience. 

The new site is deisgned with enhanced features and improved navigation to make it easier for you to find the information and tools you need. 

Important Notice

Please note that the Contracts for Difference Portal will remain on this site. 

What's Next?

To access all the latest information and resources on the Delivery Body (DB), Capacity Market (CM) and the Contracts for Difference (CfD), please use the links below. 

Delivery Body Website 

CfD Portal Login​

CfD Guidance​

CM Portal Login​

CM Guidance​

We appreciate your patience during this transition and are confident that the new website will provide a more streamlined and efficient experience. 

Thank you for your continued support as we move forward together!​​​