We are pleased to advise that the New EMR Delivery Body Portal is now open for all Capacity Market Processes. You can access the New EMR Portal by clicking the New EMR DB Portal tab and clicking New EMR DB Portal Log In button. Please note that the portal will still be available in Read Only mode for customers to review successful migration of data. CfD Allocation Round 6 Update. We are now on scenario 5 of the CfD Timeline.
EMR Delivery Body Role Newcastle Landscape - Getty Images - 200341433-001_medium.jpg
In our role as EMR Delivery Body, National Energy SO is responsible for:
  • Producing annual Electricity Capacity Reports for Government to advise on capacity requirements in order to meet the published reliability standard.
  • Administering key elements of the Capacity Market including;
    • Registration
    • Prequalification
    • Auction 
    • Capacity Market Register
    • Agreement Management 

  • Administering key elements of the CfD regime including;
    • Registration
    • Application and Qualification
    • Valuation ​​
    • Allocation​
EMR Delivery Partners 
  • CM Delivery Partners:
    • Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) set the CM policy and oversee the changes to it. The role also includes reviewing the CM legislation. 
    • Ofgem works to ensure that market arrangements are fit for purpose. It monitors the CM, manages the changes to the Rules and is responsible for handling Tier 2 application appeals.
    • EMR Settlement Limited deliver settlement for CM, manage and collect metering data for key processes in addition to calculating, managing and collecting the settlement of payments by Capacity Providers.
    • The Electricity Settlements Company (ESC)​ provides control of the monies collected and disbursed under the CM (Payment) Regulations. 
  • CfD Delivery Partners:
    • BEIS sets the policy and governance arrangements for the scheme, including the Allocation Rules, timing and budgets of Allocation Rounds and Administrative Strike Prices. 
    • Ofgem is responsible for handling Tier 2 application appeals.
    • The Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) is the CfD counterparty under the Regulations, responsible for processing requests for minor and necessary modifications at the outset of an Allocation Round, issuing CfDs in accordance with the CfD Allocation, managing them through various milestones during the project delivery phase and making CfD payments during the operation phase. ​
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