We are pleased to advise that the New EMR Delivery Body Portal is now open for registration. You can access the New EMR Portal by visiting the New EMR Delivery Body Portal webpage and clicking on the New EMR DB Portal Log In button. Please see Latest News article published 22 Jan 2024 for further details. T1 2024 2025 and T4 2027 2028 CANs have now been released. The CfD Application Assessment Window for AR6 and results will be released on the 20th May 2024
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    Application and Qualification

    To apply for a CfD, applicants must complete the CfD application form, which will be available closer to the start of the Allocation Round.​​

    Only an eligible generator may be awarded a CfD. The Contracts for Difference (Definition of Eligible Generator) Regulations 2014 (the "Eligibility Regulations"), define who is an eligible generator.

    To be a qualifying applicant, participants must:

    • ​​Meet Eligibility Requirements as set out in the Eligibility Regulations, Contracts for Difference (Allocation) Regulations 2014 ("the Allocation Regulations"), the Contracts for Difference Allocation Framework (the "Allocation Framework"); 
    • Not be an Excluded applicant as defined in the Allocation Regulations and Allocation Framework; and
    • Provide additional information/data as set out in the Allocation Regulations and Allocation Framework.

    When the application window to apply for CfD has closed, the application determination starts. The Delivery Body will then determine whether or not an application qualifies to take part in the Allocation process.

    The Delivery Body will determine qualification based on the information provided by the applicant and in accordance with the requirements of the Eligibility Regulations, Allocation Regulations and Allocation Framework. The Allocation Framework provides a list of the checks that the Delivery Body must carry out when assessing applications.

    Failure to meet any of the qualification criteria and any additional information requirements will result in the Delivery Body rejecting the application. It is worth highlighting that the subsequent review and appeal phases for non-qualifying applicants do not allow submission of additional evidence that was not provided with the original application.​

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