We are pleased to advise that the New EMR Delivery Body Portal is now open for all Capacity Market Processes. You can access the New EMR Portal by clicking the New EMR DB Portal tab and clicking New EMR DB Portal Log In button. Please note that the portal will still be available in Read Only mode for customers to review successful migration of data. CfD Allocation Round 6 Update. We are now on scenario 5 of the CfD Timeline.
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    ​CfD Process

    National Energy SO is the Delivery Body for Electricity Market Reform (EMR). Part of this role includes the qualification of applicants and the allocation of Contracts for Difference (CfDs) in accordance with the CfD legislative framework and a number of Department for Business, E​nergy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) documents that are specific to each Allocation Round. ​

    CfD overview process flow.PNG
    Process flow for CfD activities

    ​Once the qualification process is complete, the Delivery Body will proceed with CfD valuation and allocation.

    During application valuation, the Delivery Body will compare the aggregate financial value of all qualifying applications for each delivery year with the applicable budgets for each pot and any other limits set out in the relevant Budget Notice, to determine if there is a requirement for a competitive allocation process (auction).

    Valuation of each application is carried out using the valuation formula set out in the CfD Allocation Framework.

    If the pot budget is not exceeded each qualifying application will be offered a CfD at the Administrative Strike Price for its technology (unconstrained allocation). If the budget is exceeded, then the Delivery Body will run an auction (constrained allocation) to ration the available budget amongst the most competitive qualifying applicants.​​

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