We are pleased to advise that the New EMR Delivery Body Portal is now open for all Capacity Market Processes. You can access the New EMR Portal by clicking the New EMR DB Portal tab and clicking New EMR DB Portal Log In button. Please note that the portal will still be available in Read Only mode for customers to review successful migration of data. CfD Allocation Round 6 Update. We are now on scenario 5 of the CfD Timeline.
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    In order to apply for a CfD, participants will be required first to register their organisation and users with the EMR Delivery Body. The registration process controls access to the online CfD administration system and seeks to ensure that only legitimate representatives of an organisation/company may act on its behalf in the Allocation Round.

    When the Allocation Round opens, eligible generators, who have registered their companies and users with the Delivery Body, may start submitting applications. Applicants will be able to submit their applications from the round commencement date.​​

    Initial Company Registration​​​
    To register, companies should complete the Company Registration form. The registration form asks for details of the Authorised Person and the Main Administrator for the Portal.
    • The Authorised Person should be the Company Secretary or a Director who can be verified against public information. We will cross-check the Authorised Person against public records.​

    • The Main Administrator will have the appropriate level of authority to issue/rescind user access from the system and act as the primary point of contact.

    A signed, scanned version of the Company Registration form must then be submitted via the system.

    Company structure and sub-companies

    ​​Each participant organisation can create a structure in the system to suit their governance and control requirements.
    • The Main Company is established through the initial company registration process.

    • A Sub-Company is a subsidiary company linked to the Main Company, created by the Main Adminstrator.

    Typical structures are shown below.

    A standard structure can consist of a single Main Company linked to a CfD unit (or multiple CfD units), a Main Admin who can be the same person as the authorised person or a different person. The Main Admin can then setup multiple users linked to that organisation.

    ​                                                                CfD Reg standard structure - save as picture.png

    ​A more complex structure can also be created which may be beneficial for certain organisations where subsidiary companies who own CfD Units can be created all under the control of the parent (main) company. A Deputy Main Admin can also be introduced to provide contingency cover for the Main Admin during annual leave or other absences. Users can be assigned by the Main Admin or Deputy Main Admin to subsidiary companies.​

    CfD Reg complex structure - save as pic.png

    Adding Users and Privileges​

    The Main Administrator can register additional users, able to log-in to their Company's area of the system, and carry out specific roles. Each of these users must be given "privileges" to carry out specific roles for the Main Company or any Sub-Company.

    Users are able to act on behalf of the Main or Sub-Companies that they have been assigned privileges for. They cannot create, amend or delete any companies or log in IDs.

    ​Privileges can be assigned to users to enable them to carry out specific tasks for one or more Sub-Companies.  The different privileges are:

    • Operator – May create applications on behalf of a subcompany.

    • Approver – May submit applications on behalf of a subcompany.

    • Viewer – May view, but not edit or submit applications on behalf of a subcompany.

    ​​​The Main Administrator may also register a Deputy Main Administrator.  

    • The Deputy Main Administrator has all of the same functionality as a Main Administrator, and thereby provides cover for the Main Administrator.​

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