We are pleased to advise that the New EMR Delivery Body Portal is now open for registration. You can access the New EMR Portal by visiting the New EMR Delivery Body Portal webpage and clicking on the New EMR DB Portal Log In button. Please see Latest News article published 22 Jan 2024 for further details. T1 2024 2025 and T4 2027 2028 CANs have now been released. The CfD Application Assessment Window for AR6 and results will be released on the 20th May 2024
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    Pre-Auction activities

    A number of activities need to be completed by the Applicants who successfully Prequalify or Conditionally Prequalify, during the period between Prequalification Results Day (PQRD) and the Auction. Depending on the CMU type, some of these activties are mandatory whilst others are optional.

    1. CMUs that received Conditional Prequalification status must submit the information required to confirm their eligibility to participate in the Capacity Auction.

    TimelineDatesDescription of activity to be completed before Auction
    New Build, Refurbishing, Unproven DSRCredit CoverPQRD (Prequalification Results Day) +32 Working DaysWill be published when 2018 Operational Plan is published Conditionally Prequalified CMUs must provide confirmation to the Delivery Body that credit cover has been lodged 
    New Build, RefurbishingPlanning ConsentsAuction -22 Working DaysWill be published when 2018 Operational Plan is published CMUs Conditionally Prequalified for deferring Relevant Planning Consents must provide confirmation to the Delivery Body that relevant planning consents have been obtained


    2. Depending on the CMU type, Applicants can notify us whether and how they wish to participate in the Capacity Auction.

    CMU TypeActivityTimelineDates​Description of activity to be completed before Auction
    New BuildConfirmation of EntryBetween 
    Auction -15 Working Days to Auction -10 Working Days
    Will be published when 2018 Operational Plan is published The CMUs should confirm participation in the Auction to the Delivery Body. Failure to provide this confirmation will result in the CMUs not being allowed to participate in the Auction.
    Capacity Agreement durationThe CMUs with a Maximum Obligation Period of more than 1 year at PQRD can specify the desired duration of the Capacity Agreement as long as it is not greater than the Maximum Obligation Period for that CMU.
    RefurbishingConfirmation of EntryBetween 
    Auction -15 Working Days to Auction -10 Working Days
    Will be published when 2018 Operational Plan is published The CMUs should confirm participation in the Auction to the Delivery Body. Failure to provide this confirmation will result in the CMUs not being allowed to participate in the Auction.
    Capacity Agreement duration (does not apply to Refurbishing Interconnector CMUs)The CMUs with a Maximum Obligation Period of more than 1 year at PQRD can specify the desired duration of the Capacity Agreement as long as it is not greater than the Maximum Obligation Period for that CMU.
    Pre-Refurbishment component participationThe CMUs must specify whether or not they also wish Pre-Refurbishment components to participate in the Auction. 
    DSRConfirmation of EntryBetween 
    Auction -15 Working Days to Auction -10 Working Days
    Will be published when 2018 Operational Plan is published The CMUs should confirm participation in the Auction to the Delivery Body. Failure to provide this confirmation will result in the CMUs not being allowed to participate in the Auction.
    DSR Bidding CapacityAuction -10 Working DaysWill be published when 2018 Operational Plan is published The CMUs should issue a notification to the Delivery Body if they wish to bid a different DSR Capacity, provided it is not higher than their De-Rated Capacity. If the Applicants do not send this notification then the De-Rated Capacity will be entered in the Auction.
    ExistingPrice MakerAuction -10 Working DaysWill be published when 2018 Operational Plan is published Applicants, who are classed as 'Price Taker' at PQRD and wish to have 'Price Maker' status, should lodge a Price Maker Memorandum with the Authority.

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